Mahad Yoga & Wellness LLC

August 1, 2023 August 22, 2023

Total # of Classes

Class length
60 minutes

Lake Stevens

Rest Fest 
Every Tuesday Evening 7PM-8PM

Nidra August 1st
  • Yoga Nidra, also known as yogic sleep, is a guided meditation and relaxation practice that induces a state of deep rest and conscious relaxation while remaining aware and awake.
  • During Yoga Nidra, participants lie down in a comfortable position and are guided through a series of systematic instructions, including body scanning, breath awareness, and visualization, to relax and release physical, mental, and emotional tension.
  • The practice of Yoga Nidra promotes profound relaxation, stress reduction, improved sleep, enhanced self-awareness, and a sense of inner calm and rejuvenation. It is often used as a therapeutic tool for relaxation, healing, and personal transformation.
Restorative August 8th
  • Restorative yoga is a gentle and passive form of yoga that focuses on relaxation, rest, and rejuvenation. It involves holding supported poses for extended periods, typically using props such as blankets, bolsters, and blocks, to create a comfortable and nurturing environment for deep relaxation.
  • Restorative yoga aims to activate the body's relaxation response, promoting a state of calmness and reducing the effects of chronic stress. The emphasis is on releasing tension, restoring energy, and promoting overall well-being. It is particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with fatigue, anxiety, or recovering from injuries or illness.
  • Restorative yoga facilitates deep physical and mental relaxation by encouraging slow and deep breathing, gentle stretching, and mindfulness. It allows the body to rest deeply, the mind to quiet down, and the nervous system to unwind, resulting in reduced muscle tension, improved circulation, and a sense of peace and balance. It is an excellent practice for self-care and nurturing oneself on a physical, mental, and emotional level.
Meditation August 15th
  • A meditation class provides a structured environment and guidance for individuals to cultivate a focused and calm state of mind. It involves practicing various meditation techniques to cultivate mindfulness, concentration, and inner peace.
  • In a meditation class, participants are typically guided through different meditation practices, such as breath awareness, loving-kindness meditation, body scan, or mantra repetition. The instructor provides instructions to help participants deepen their attention, let go of distractions, and develop a non-judgmental awareness of the present moment.
  • The benefits of attending a meditation class include stress reduction, increased self-awareness, improved emotional well-being, and enhanced clarity of thought. Regular meditation practice can lead to better concentration, reduced anxiety, and an overall sense of inner calm and balance. Meditation classes offer a supportive and nurturing environment for individuals to establish or deepen their meditation practice.
Yin Yoga (beginners Yin) August 22nd
  • A Yin yoga class is a slow-paced and meditative practice that targets the deep connective tissues of the body, such as ligaments, tendons, and fascia. It involves holding passive yoga poses for an extended period, typically ranging from 3 to 5 minutes, allowing for deep stretching and relaxation.
  • In a Yin yoga class, the emphasis is on surrendering into each pose and finding a point of stillness and release. Props like blankets, bolsters, and blocks may be used to support the body and ensure comfort. The practice encourages participants to explore sensations, observe the breath, and cultivate a sense of mindfulness and introspection.
  • The benefits of practicing Yin yoga include increased flexibility, improved joint mobility, and enhanced energy flow throughout the body. Yin yoga also targets the energetic channels, or meridians, in the body, promoting balance and harmony. Additionally, the practice cultivates patience, acceptance, and a deeper connection to one's inner self. Yin classes are often considered a complement to more active and dynamic yoga practices, providing a balance between effort and surrender.
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